Hide tokens and coins in iMe — extra privacy and less clutter

3 min readNov 3, 2023


In iMe we really care about privacy. You don’t want to show your friends some of the assets that you’ve got? Or simply the long list is bothering you? Hide you tokens in one click!

This feature is available for both Android and iOS users.

How to Hide Tokens:

1. Go to the Wallet section of iMe;

Android / iOS

2. Select the chain;
3. Make a long-tap on a token or coin you want to hide;

Android / iOS

4. A “Hide” button will appear — simply click on it.

Android / iOS

It’s that easy! You can individually hide any token or coin that you prefer not to see in your wallet.

Bringing Back Hidden Tokens:

If you change your mind and you want to unhide a token, it’s just as easy.

  1. Click on the pin icon located in the top-left corner above your token list.
Android / iOS

2. Tick the tokens you want to see in your wallet or untick the ones you want to keep hidden.

Android / iOS

We believe that this new feature will provide you with more control and organization in managing your assets.

Say goodbye to clutter and hello to a tailored wallet experience.

Also stay tuned not to miss other hottest features and news.

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Written by Imesmartplatform

iMe - an alt client powered by Telegram API. - Improved folders, topics, wallet, neurobots, translator. Site — https://imem.app/

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